Lost in the mountains

"Be careful" -Jack screamed. Chriss turned, nodded yes and thanked him with a warm smile. The begining of their story is a little bit impressive anyway. That was the christmas evening. Snow was falling, mild wind was there to chill the people walking on the street. Soft music was playing everywhere , giving the environment a mesmerising touch and complacency of christmas.Unlike every year , celebration was going-on in the christian colony and unlike every year , we were invited to the beaut iful occasion . And we had come there to get the taste of the celebration. "would you like to dance with me?"- someone suddenly proposed to Chriss. She turned, wondered and with a glittering smile nodded yes Jack.With the tune playing behind , they strated to getting close to each other, talking with unspoken language of eyes. With the time,that tune turned into love tunes of their life and along with that ,a promise to stay together, to stand beside each other in e...